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  Home : Computers and Electronics : Hardware

Support content site covering a wide range of consumer products featuring manuals, user guides, FAQs, and troubleshooting forums.

provides a lot of information for repairing, upgrading or modding your notebook. There is also a forum where you can share your experiences with other people.

provides information and howtos about repairing, upgrading and modding of PDAs and handheld computers. There are also information about building your own battery or other accessories for your PDA.

Laptop Battery FAQ11678
Frequently asked questions on laptop and notebook batteries. Tips, tricks and advice on battery care and power maximisation.

Refurbished Laptops Guide11480
Guide to refurbished notebooks, peripherals and enhancements. Includes detailed specifications and laptop reviews.

RFID Gazette12280
How the retail and pharmaceutical industries are implementing RFID technology and other news stories and information about radio frequency identification technology updated daily.

RFID Lowdown13353
Site provides frequently updates news and information on RFID.

Intel Dual Core Processor15393
Various information about Intel processors.

Build PC Guide14095
A comprehensive guide with pictures and videos describing how to build a computer.

Helping the 'New' computer user with friendly advice, tips and trouble-shooting.

How Wireless Speakers Work13687
This study includes information about the working principle of speakers; loudspeakers types; basic components of an audio system.

Laptop Reviews18776
Laptop reviews and benchmarks as well as laptop price and model comparisons.

Service Manuals and User Manuals1624
Service Manuals and User Manuals for electronic and electric equipment

The Games Console Guide14695
Help and advice on which gaming consoles and Accessories to buy and where to buy them in the UK, sections covering articles and reviews, and how to buy.
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